Is internet addiction real? Or am i just overly-impulsive.

Its 12:30 am. Its time to go to bed, i got a lot of work to do tomorrow. Hmm, Maybe ill just read a few sports articles to settle in. Well those were interesting, i guess ill watch a youtube video before i fall asleep. Ooh that one linked on the side looks interesting too!

This is a conversation i have almost every night in my head before i go to sleep. Unfortunately thats never where the conversation ends. Before i know it i have eaten through a whole bag of chips, clicked on 40 different related videos, and am now watching a top 10 ridiculous nicolas cage moments compilation. Its now 4 in the morning and all i have accomplished is the acknowledgment that i have self-control equal to that of Don Cherry on a rant. But what makes me like this? Why do i find the need to click on video after video, even though there waning further and farther from my interests. Has the internet really wrapped me up into its addicting curse, leaving me hopeless against its instantly gratifying and dopamine inducing ways?

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Internet and Dopamine:

I know that i am not the only person out there who fiends the internet at every spare moment. Many of my friends have talked about having the same problems that i have, always going back for one more video or one more article. There is a lot of speculation out there about what cases this, but what makes the most sense to me is a jolt of dopamine. Dopamine, if your not aware is that controls your emotions and your sense of reward. This is also the chemical released to the brain when a user snorts a line of cocaine. An article by Bill Davidov for the Atlantic follows up on this line of thinking. Davidov explains that there is something called a compulsion loop. When someone takes a hit off a cigarette, it releases a tiny bit of dopamine into the brain and elevates the users mood and pleasure, and quickly gets the user addicted. The same thing has been reported to happen with internet usage. Whether its checking e-mail, reloading twitter, or opening up another video, your brain takes a little hit of dopamine, which draws you back to doing it again, creating a cycle. This is what keeps me coming back for just one last video in the morning.

I also ran into a very interesting Ted Talk video that delved into the topic of internet pornography addiction, and it really helps you wrap your head around how the novelty of the internet can draw you in. He talks about how the incredible novelty of internet porn, leads too a huge boost of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, leading to a buildup which starts a binge in the user. Some of the quotes from the people who quit were really astounding. They talked about how they were once diagnosed with depression and serious anxiety problems, among other things, and nothing could help them until they quit their porn addiction. It really was one of the most eye opening videos i have ever watched. Although the topic is heavily debated by professionals,i think that you can get addicted to the internet, because it can give you that instant satisfaction that keeps you coming back and wanting more.


Bill Davidov: Exploiting the Neuroscience of Internet addiction

Ted Talk: Gary Wilson

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